Valverde Coffee Roasters Blog
We completed another succesful Topsfield Fair year!
October 16, 2023 • Nelson Valverde
This was our 14th consecutive year operating a Coffee Booth at the Topsfield Fair, America's oldest continuously running Agricultural Fair. We had a great time and people enjoyed our 100% organic Bolivian Coffee, our beloved dark-roasted Purple Llama and all of our espresso drinks using our Black Jaguar blend. See you next year!
Looking for a gift for a father's's day?
June 07, 2023 • Nelson Valverde
Don't give him a tie or a new untried power tool. Give him something he really wants. A gift certificate for delicious artisan and custom roasted coffee and perhaps add some coffee gear. In observance of father's day and Juneteenth, our Roastery and fulfillment center in Salisbury will be closed on Monday June 19th. All web stores and online facilities will remain fully opened. You can buy gift certificates here.
Why is Valverde Coffee no longer available at Food Mart & Vermette's
May 10, 2023 • Nelson Valverde
Because Mary Fowler daughter of the late Donnie Fowler spitefully decided to remove our products from both the Food Mart and Vermette's because of a dispute on three unpaid Food Mart invoices. We have been working with both of those stores since 2007. While we look for other local venues (we would appreciate suggestions), you can easily order online (or by placing an order at 978-499-8700) and pick your order for free at our Salisbury Roastery, or at our house in West Newbury. -Nelson
What is your best coffee?
December 15, 2021 • Nelson Valverde
What is your Best coffee bean? I like strong smooth coffee and I usually buy dark roast.Thank you. All our coffees are good. We don’t have a “best” one. It is like asking which one of your children is the “best”? Don’t feel bad, I get asked this question very often. My answer is “the best coffee is the one you like”. Having said that, let me help you decide. What makes coffee strong is the amount of coffee grounds you mix with water, not the coffee bean of the level of roast. You can have a strong, lightly...
The Coffee Review gave 92 points for this Burundian roast!
June 21, 2021 • Nelson Valverde
We are proud to report that on The Coffee Review, this coffee earned the third-highest rating in a cupping of African Great Lakes coffees for Coffee Review’s June 2021 report. Moreover it earned the distinct motion for a successful dark toast: "Most coffees we test over the course of a year are light-medium to medium in roast, reflecting each individual roaster’s personally calibrated goal of fully developing the character of the bean while leaving behind neither a distracting scorchy edge nor the grassy, nutty hints of an underdeveloped roast. This month, however, we review one successful darker roast, the Valverde...