Behmor Brazen Plus V3.0 Temp Controlled Coffee Brewer. Free coffee!

2) One degree Temperature Control Accuracy
3) Programmable Pre-Soak
4) Pulse Water Delivery
This is the latest model Brazen Plus is version 3.0, which is certified by the Specialty Coffee Association (SCA) for both 8 and 6 cup batch sizes. It incorporates several important changes since the Brazen Brew System was first introduced in July 2014.
You have full control but you can just press the "Start" button and it will automatically start brewing your coffee. You can even use it a s a water heater (to reach that 205 degree temperature) and drop the water on a Chemex or a Pourover filter.
It includes a custom made, basket shaped gold filter with handle, like the very expensive brewers, but it can also use basket shaped paper filters which are readily, economically available, for the no-mess, no-cleanup option. Important: Do not use both at the same time.
We will include for free one 10oz bag of coffee, ground. Please select your coffee preference and let us now in the comments whether you prefer the sample "whole bean"
BARATZA ENCORE Black Burr Coffee Grinder. Free Coffee. NEW ARRIVAL. READY TO SHIP!
Regular price $ 185.00 from $ 169.95